QR Code Error Correction: Protect your data from corruption

Created on 2 June, 2024Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • 1 minutes read

QR codes are robust, but like anything else, they can be damaged. Errors in the code can result in unreadable data and user frustration. Fortunately, error correction in QR codes provides a solution.

Error correction adds redundant data to the QR code. For example, extra copies of bits or special codes. If any part of the code is damaged, the scanner can reconstruct it from the reconstruct the code from the redundant data.

QR code Error Correction levels:

Four error correction levels are available, labeled L, M, Q, and H:

  • L (Low): Can recover up to 7% of errors (least resistant to corruption).
  • M (Medium): Can recover up to 15% of errors (standard level for general use).
  • Q (Quartile): Can recover up to 25% of errors.
  • H (High): Can recover up to 30% of errors (most resistant to damage, but also the largest QR code).

Choosing the right level:

The level to choose depends on the expected conditions:

  • High risk of damage (outdoors, frequent use): Choose H or Q.
  • Normal conditions: M is usually sufficient.
  • Low risk of damage (printed on paper): L may be sufficient.

Disadvantages of higher error correction levels:

  • Larger QR code: Requires more scanning space.
  • More complex code: May affect scan time.


  • Test different levels: Experiment to see what works best for your application.
  • QR code testing: Scan the code on different devices and in different lighting conditions.
  • High-quality materials: Use high-quality paper and inks for printing.

Error correction is a valuable tool for ensuring the reliability of your QR codes. By choosing the right level, you can ensure that your data will remain will remain accessible even under adverse conditions. By default ShopQRcode.com QR Code Generator is set to error correction M - (medium).