Create Free QR codes

Create simple or advanced QR codes.
Easy, customizable & trackable.
Unlimited scans of all your QR codes.
➽ QR codes never expire, unlimited validity.


Which QR code best suited you

Generate a unique QR code for free.

Dynamic QR codes

Dynamic QR codes for links, allow you to change the destination of the QR code on-the-fly, whenever you want. It combines multiple technologies to make this happen in the background with the help of our Links tool.

  • Advanced scan statistics
  • Change URL destination dynamically
  • Scheduling, expiration limits, A/B Rotation
  • Password protection
  • Country, device & language re-targeting

Static QR codes

Static QR codes are fixed, meaning that all the data is directly embedded into the QR code. Once generated and printed for real-world usage, it can't be changed.

  • Fully customizable
  • No scan limit
  • No data saved on our servers

Additional options for Dynamic QR codes

The options below are only available if you subscribe to dynamic QR codes.

QR templates
You get 16 built-in QR code templates to get you started right away.
We only store QR code data that you voluntarily save in your account.
Highly customizable
Create the QR code you need, brand it with your own colors & logos.
Shortened URLs
We also provide a simple, yet powerful URL shortener service.
Easiest way to categorize your managed resources.
Custom domains
Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones.

A handful of QR code templates

Get started with the most in-demand and used QR code templates.


Barcode generator system

We've got it all. Use our barcodes system to easily generate barcodes.


Generate C32 barcode


Generate C39 barcode


Generate C39+ barcode


Generate C39E barcode


Generate C39E+ barcode


Generate C93 barcode


Generate S25 barcode


Generate S25+ barcode


Generate I25 barcode


Generate I25+ barcode


Generate ITF14 barcode


Generate C128 barcode


Generate C128A barcode


Generate C128B barcode


Generate C128C barcode


Generate EAN2 barcode


Generate EAN5 barcode


Generate EAN8 barcode


Generate EAN13 barcode


Generate UPCA barcode


Generate UPCE barcode


Generate MSI barcode


Generate MSI+ barcode


Generate POSTNET barcode


Generate PLANET barcode


Generate TELEPENALPHA barcode


Generate TELEPENNUMERIC barcode


Generate RMS4CC barcode


Generate KIX barcode


Generate IMB barcode


Generate CODABAR barcode


Generate CODE11 barcode


Generate PHARMA barcode


Generate PHARMA2T barcode

URLs that open apps automatically

Short links that automatically detect the used app and open it on mobile.


Tracking pixels

All the links easily integrate with any of the following pixel providers.

Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager

Frequently Asked Questions :

Don't worry about the shelf life of your QR codes because all QR codes you create with will remain valid indefinitely and can be scanned at any time. Feel free to use QR codes for your website, marketing campaigns or other purposes, without having to worry about expired codes.

No annoying watermarks or advertisements:

We think it's important that your QR codes look professional and user-friendly. That's why our QR codes are free of watermarks or advertisements beforehand while scanning. Once created, you can use your QR codes as long as you want, at no extra cost. No subscriptions or hidden fees, just a fair price for a high-quality QR code solution.

Create QR codes with peace of mind:

With, you're assured of:
  • Unlimited validity: Feel free to scan your QR codes whenever you want, they'll always work.
  • No watermarks or advertisements:Enjoy a professional and user-friendly look.
  • No extra costs:Use your QR codes for as long as you like, with no hidden costs.
Start creating your QR codes today!

Free static QR codes:
  • Generate QR codes that link to websites, text, vCards, email, wifi networks and more.
  • Unlimited validity and always free.
  • The content cannot be changed afterwards.

Dynamic QR codes with more flexibility:
  • Modify the linked information (e.g. URL) at any time.
  • Ideal for marketing campaigns and other applications where regular updates are needed.
  • Follow the number of scans and the times when they take place with handy statistics.

Dynamic QR codes: buy once, use unlimited:
  • No subscription, you buy QR codes and use them for as long as you want.
  • No watermarks in the QR codes or 2 seconds of advertising in advance while scanning
  • Never expire.
  • Account required for management, changes and statistics.

Dynamic QR codes: Year Subscription
  • Year Subscription, Unlimited Static and Dynamic QR Codes
  • No watermarks in the QR codes or 2 seconds of advance advertising during scanning
  • Always the latest updates.
  • Account required for management, changes and statistics.

With your smartphone, you can scan QR codes without having to download a special app. Follow these steps:
  1. Open the camera app on your phone.
  2. Point the camera at the QR code.Make sure the code is clearly visible within the frame of the camera.
  3. Wait a moment. The camera will detect the QR code automatically.
  4. Tap the link or button that appears. This will take you to the website, launch an action or view more information.

Not automatic detection?

No problem! Then download a QR code scanner app. You can do this for free on the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Just open the app, point the camera at the QR code and follow the on-screen instructions.

It's that easy!

With QR codes, you can:
  • Visit websites
  • Storage contact information
  • Download apps
  • Make payments
  • And much more!

Scan your first QR code now and find out!

Extra tips:
  • Make sure the QR code is well-exposed.
  • Hold your phone steady while scanning.
  • If the QR code is damaged, the camera may not be able to scan it.
  • Some QR codes require an internet connection to work.

Have fun scanning QR codes!

Want to create your own QR code to direct others to your website, social media page or other online location? With a few easy steps, you'll have your own unique QR code ready to use.

Step 1: Choose a QR code generator

There are several online QR code generators available, both free and paid.
Examples of popular options include:

Step 2: Select the type of information

Determine what you want to store in the QR code. This could be:
  • URL: Take people directly to your website or web page.
  • Text: Share a message, phone number or other textual information.
  • vCard: Create a digital business card with your contact information.
  • Wifi: Easily share the network details of your wifi connection.
  • Location: Guide people to a specific location on a map.
  • Social media: Create a QR code that links to your profiles on social media.

Step 3: Fill in the required information

Depending on the type of information selected, fill in the relevant fields. Make sure the information is correct and complete.

Step 4: Customize the QR code (optional)

Most QR code generators offer basic options to customize your QR code. For example, you can change the color, size and eyes of the code or add a logo.

Step 5: Generate and download the QR code

Once you're happy with your QR code, click the button to generate it. Usually, you can download the QR code as an image (e.g. PNG or SVG) or as a PDF file.

Step 6: Share or use your QR code

You can now use the QR code in several ways:
  • Print the QR code: Add it to posters, flyers or other printed materials.
  • Share the QR code online: Place it on your website, in social media posts or in email signatures.
  • Demonstrate the QR code on a screen: Display it on a screen during presentations or events.

Dynamic QR codes with more features

Do you want more functionality, such as tracking scans or changing the linked information later? Then consider investing in a dynamic QR code. These codes typically require a subscription, but offer additional flexibility and analytics.

QR codes: the power of a scan

QR codes are a convenient and versatile way to share information and direct people to online content with a simple scan. Create your own QR code today and experience the power of this technology!

Get started

Super easy & highly customizable static or dynamic QR codes.