Choose the right QR code: static or dynamic?

Created on 2 June, 2024Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • 1 minutes read

The main difference between a static QR code and a dynamic QR code is how the linked data is stored and the flexibility to change that data. Below are the main differences between the two types of QR codes:

Storing linked data:

  • Static QR codes store the linked data, such as a URL, directly in the QR code. This means the information is immutable once the code is created.
  • Dynamic QR codes store the associated data on a remote server. When someone scans the code, they are directed to the server, which then provides the latest information and directs the user to the desired destination.

Flexibility to change data:

  • Static QR codes cannot be changed once they have been created. If you want to change the linked information, you must generate and print a new QR code.
  • Dynamic QR codes can be changed at any time without having to regenerate or print the code. You can easily update the linked URL or other information through the online platform you used to create the QR code.


  • Static QR Codes are ideal for situations where the linked information does not need to be changed, such as sharing a website, email address, or contact information that remains the same.
  • Dynamic QR codes are ideal for situations where the content behind the code needs to be updated regularly, such as marketing campaigns, events or changing contact information.

Scan statistics and analytics:

  • Static QR codes do not provide detailed scan statistics because the code takes you directly to the linked information.
  • Dynamic QR Codes provide comprehensive scan statistics and analytics, such as number of scans, time, location, and devices used. This information can be valuable for marketing and advertising purposes.

In summary, static QR codes are simpler and less expensive, but offer less flexibility and functionality. Dynamic QR codes are more versatile and offer more options for analysis and customization, but usually require an online platform or service to manage.