QR Codes: Make them fast and simple for all your purposes!

Created on 2 June, 2024Frequently asked questions (FAQ) • 1 minutes read

ShopQRcode.com offers a free QR code generator for various purposes.
Create your own QR code and enjoy the benefits of QR codes for your business, event, or personal use.

Text: Display a message or promotee an action.

  • Website: Display your website, blog, or social media profile.
  • vCard: Share your business card with all your contact information.
  • Phone Number: Share a phone number with a QR code.
  • SMS: Send a text message with a QR code.
  • Social Links: Show your website, blog, and social media profiles.
  • Email: Send an email with a message or discount code with a QR code.
  • Facetime: Initiate a Facetime call.
  • Wifi: Show your visitors or customers how to access your wifi network.
  • Location: Show the location of your event or office.
  • Event: Share your event details.
  • WhatsApp: Start a chat using WhatsApp.
  • PayPal: Receive payments or donations through PayPal.
  • Crypto: Share details of your crypto address details.
  • EPC Payment: EPC payment schemes are the rules for all euro transfers and direct debits in SEPA.
  • UPI Payment: Unified Payments Interface is a real-time instant payment system for mobile phones
  • PIX Payment: Pix Money Transfer - send money to Brazil directly to bank cards, bank accounts.

With Dynamic QR codes, you can get more insight into what a dynamic QR code does:

  • Statistics of QR codes.
  • Add pixels from Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, etc. (UTMs)
  • Create projects
  • Domains: Use your own website address in a QR code